Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So close...!

So, I have been in love with a younger fellow for quite sometime now. We lived together, worked together, ate together and shared a bed together in South Korea. We were neighbors-- he lived on the 1st floor and I on the 5th--who became friends that had an affinity for each other. The tension in that friendship was strong, and soon (a bit painfully from my side of it) bloomed into a relationship of sorts, without being deemed one by the two of us. Coworkers saw that we were a couple-- but the feelings that existed between us didn't make us want to jump into it--because they were so strong--and he being 24 and me being 30...well..

I'm sure many a good relationship have survived the age thing. But when you're a woman who wants to have children soon...and settle down and raise a family in, let's say OREGON...then the age thing does matter, does it not? He's not there. Not ready for a family yet. Can't even pay his bills, in fact. Well, mostly because he owns a condo in Boston that he's paying for while in Korea. =) Ah, love. It does make the heart grow, that's one thing I know.

I can love until I can't love no more, but somebody's gotta put food on the table and pay the rent!

Oh, the endless, ageless quandary: the "love" between us feels so right, but the reality of it is so not. THIS is what has sent my head spinning recently. So, I am going to do something bold: wait and see what happens.

I do believe in the magic of love in all its many forms and manifestations. I wonder what magic will come of this?!


Tell me of your "oh so wrong" Love and how the Universe made it "so right"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I recently moved through my attachment to this relationship and gained some closure in...a Facebook chat with this fellow!

I wanted to leave this post up because the feelings were genuine at the time and the relationship was a trigger for BIG internal transformation!

He admitted that his feelings were not as strong as mine--and that he wanted to maintain a friendship. I am currently feeling the "reboundness" of this relationship and noticing that I did a lot of projection with him, transferring the feelings I had for my former fiance and demanding certain needs that he just wasn't able to meet for me.

I didn't realize the heaviness of breaking up an engagement and the time it would take to heal such a traumatic break-up. And...it's still in the healing process.

But I wanted to be real about what was going on with the situation. It was my first "rebound" relationship. What an interesting experience!